Thursday, January 27, 2005

freakinasheville! How can I help? I wouldn't say that this is so much an advice column (although it's that too) as just a place to come and work things out. Whether you're having problems with a relationship, need a good recipe or could use some help finding a gift, feel free to drop me a line. We're here to help! I'd like to invite readers' input, too. Sometimes it helps to hear a diverse perspective on a problem or an issue to know where you do or ~don't~ want to head with it. Then your path might just light itself!

I've often noticed while reading other advice columns that sometimes the "advisor" doesn't interpret the question the same way I or other readers might. Sometimes it might be helpful to ask a few questions of the "Seeker," flesh the issue out. So I'm really interested in the potential for dialogue with those seeking help, since some problems just can't be asked --- or answered, for that matter --- in a few succinct paragraphs. Sooooo --- what's on your mind? Drop me a line at
sophie (a.t) and we'll see what we can do to help keep you freakin'! Let me know in your email if you'd like for your question to be "open to discussion" (meaning, I can allow comments from other readers to be posted) --- or NOT! If you don't specify, the default will be to allow input. We're all in this together!

Sophie (seriously)

P.S. Sendin' a shout out to jimdiggitydog for the spectacular graphic (and endorsement) up top and the invitation to serve my fellow man.