Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Dear Gentle Reader:

I've been listening to the news and being overwhelmed by the medical risks we face in our day-to-day living. Various forms of heart disease and cancer seem to be at the top of our risk list. People take extraordinary measures to lose weight, to stop smoking and to avoid risk factors as they are presented by ever-changing modern research. Eating nuts is bad on one diet, but good for you on another. Faux foods present us an opportunity to 'have our cake and eat it too.' And yet heart disease and cancer rates continue to rise.

Not being a medical doctor, I wonder why I've been so lucky all these years. I attribute my good health to a combination of genes, moderately good choices and a two rules that I stick to religiously.

I get plenty of sleep and I drink mostly water. I've also been exercising much more frequently for about the past year and I'm convinced that it has contributed greatly to my overall health, physical as well as mental.

Physical wellness definitely affects mental health and mental health likewise affects physical well-being. Carrying around emotional pain, bitterness, anger are a terrible burden on our bodies as well as our hearts. Studies show that laughter and love are good for our bodies!

How about you? What are your rules for healthful living? Please feel free to share with the class. We could use all the help we can get!


Send your comments, questions, insights, situations, feedback, problems, perspectives, prognoses, prophecies and poetry to:
sophie (at)