Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Used with permission from the author:

"self-improvement is overrated ... it often leads to disappointment, disillusionment, despair ... there is a way to approach a similar process as GROWTH (words are very important here) and to approach the process of that growth with the idea that limbs or leaves being pruned are not weaknesses or illnesses, but important aspects of your "tree" that once served a purpose, are a part of the beautiful you, and simply no longer serve a purpose. letting go of those things lovingly and gently is very different from putting your face in them, dealing with them, improving yourself ... the leaves become nourishment for your growth, the limbs can be burned in the fire that fuels your soul ... everything that has ever been a part of you is good, beautiful, perfect ... even the parts that make you cringe to think about. you must stop cringing when you look at yourself ... you need no improvement ... you are perfect as you are sitting there now reading this. there are aspects of yourself that serve your happiness and growth better than others, and you will prune them away when the time is right ... "
