Thursday, October 04, 2007

This is used with permission from the author as well:

"the things that we tend to let go (in the mad rush that is Life) are the most life-sustaining ... they are sensory. think about the most fulfilling gifts life has to offer us and they all tie into the indulgence of senses ... the touch of warm skin, a puppy lick, a child's hand in ours ... the smell of beautiful haunting scents, warm freshly baked bread, the fresh cut grass of summer ... the sound of soul satisfying music, the voice of our beloveds, the laughter of children ... the taste of cool pure water, our favorite ice cream, the flavor of our morning coffee or tea ... the sight of home as we approach, the way someone special looked at us as we said goodbye, our children's faces as they sleep ... it's all about taking care of ourselves. that's not selfish. it's nurturing. like the fishes and the loaves, we can only share that which we allow ourselves in plenty. how can we spread the lovingness and goodness that we don't allow for ourselves?
it's not enough to make money and buy things and stay in motion, producing and proving to the world our worth. our worth as humans is made real by our acknowledgement of our sensory needs and our pursuit of that deepest level of sustenance that makes everything else possible ..."