Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Here we are again, on the cusp of a new year. And of course, New Year's resolutions are the gift we give ourselves and the world around us. We're going to be better, stronger, happier, etc. But how to achieve these great transformations? There are techniques that treat the symptoms of our dissatisfaction with ourselves, but what if we instead worked on the causes, and the less tangible manifestations of our needs as imperfect humans?

I'm not suggesting that we disregard goals toward quitting smoking or losing weight. In fact, I quit smoking on a New Year's Day a few years ago and I'm about 1/3 of the way through a significant weight loss that I hope to complete in 2008. (My goal actually has more to do with nutritional good health and fitness and the weight loss has been a beneficial by-product.) Good health is a worthy goal, but physical health is only half the story. What of our mental, emotional, spiritual health? What of our ability to treat people with compassion, forgiveness, honesty ... real lovingness?

Today, as I enter a new year, I recommit myself to lovingness that encompasses compassion, forgiveness and honesty not only for those who "deserve" my compassion, but to those who have challenged my ability to keep my heart open to them and to the world. To those who would disregard my feelings or who would treat me with less than the dignity and honesty I extend to them, I offer love. I offer compassion for the heavy burden of their fear and the irrational needs that drive their hurtful behavior. I offer forgiveness, unconditionally and without regard to their willingness to accept these gifts.

I enter 2008 with a glad heart and a warm embrace for all those who enter with me.
