Saturday, December 08, 2007

It's definitely time. If you're a fan of eggnog, and SPIKED eggnog at that, this is the time you need to be laying in your supply of Evan Williams eggnog for the holidays. In the Asheville area, it gets gone quickly and every ABC store will tell you the same thing: not again until next year.

What I love about this eggnog (besides the Evan Williams bourbon with which it is so very generously laced!) is that the eggnog part is not so thick and rich as the real dairy version. This is sort of like a cream liqueuer with eggnog flavors and spices. I'd swear I taste nutmeg.

You need only chill and pour this holiday nectar. I like to get a few bottles for celebrating, for enjoying in front of my fire when all the chaos dies down, and for the late-winter nostalgia I'll enjoy when the world is parched white and the holidays have faded into attics and basements. It makes a very tasty substitute for creamer in your coffee, but not wise if you're heading out.

And, please, PlEaSe, PLEASE don't drive after drinking. This stuff sneaks up on you faster than most sipping drinks and you need to be either chauffeured or grounded until after you sleep again. Don't let yourself be responsible for a holiday accident that could decimate your life or the lives of others.

If you're too late, check other markets or order online. It makes a great house gift, too. Of course, it goes without saying that you need some holiday music playing when you imbibe. If you don't have any holiday music, well. Then you have another stop while you're out!
