Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hello, freakinasheville! Happy Sunday!

I'd like to thank our neighbor Woody in Asheville for writing in today, although he requested that his correspondence be answered privately. His letter does, though, lend an opportunity to invite other readers to correspond privately. I can't guarantee my availability or response time on such requests for insight, but I certainly do welcome them and will make every effort to respond in accordance with your level of comfort.

So, it's the New Year. I've found that I need to make resolutions in order to feel that my life has a forward motion to it, but I've learned a little over the years on the type that seem to have the most positive impact.

I've learned to have only one resolution per year. I think about which might have the broadest, most encompassing impact on all the more specific areas of my life that are limping along. My resolution this year: Do the hard thing. It affects everything from my parenting to my job to my relationships with friends, family and beloveds.

A very wise man once told me, "Whenever you're in doubt on what to do, think about which option is the easiest and which is the hardest. Then do the hard thing. Whenever you're in doubt, do the hard thing." And truth be told, I have never regretted doing just that.

That's my advice for myself and I'd like to share it with you, gentle reader. It's been a good year so far.
