Monday, February 14, 2005

I love Valentine's Day. If you are without sweetie and don't enjoy the idea of Valentine's (but really, who couldn't? if you let yourself) --- perhaps QuirkyAlone Day is more your bag.

But really, there are sweeties everywhere as far as the eye can see. Love is not an all-or-nothing pursuit. Love is possible between any two beings willing to accept it on its own terms, in its own time and space. It can't be choreographed, but it can be inspired, sparked, fueled. Love is its own dance.

Be not afraid. Wink at the cute guy in the drive-through. Drop an e-card to someone you still think about. Scratch your initials in the frost on her windshield. Take a chance on a fleeting smile, a secret message, an obvious flirtation. It's all in the Spirit of the Season.


Send your comments, questions, insights, situations, problems, feedback, perspectives and prognoses to:
sophie (at)